Rotary Lymington
Summer Spectacular 2023

Sunday August 6th Family day out
Classic Cars and Motorcycles,
Car Boot Sale,
Food, Music and other attractions A wonderful day out for motoring enthusiasts and family alike, in a great location in the New Forest at Woodside Park, recreation ground, Lymington. Post Code SO41 8SG
Cars and Motorcycles manufactured before August 1993 Fun Fair
PIMMS tent, Food & drink, Music, Dog Show, Birds of Prey display, Car Club stalls Car Boot Sale

Please enter your Car or Bike here:
Enter your Classic Car or Bike. It must be 30 years or more old, manufactured before August 1993. Entry Payment is £10 per car, £5 per Bike. Individually or via an approved Club.
Click the green Google Forms link above to enter your car or bike(s). You will be taken to PayPal afterwards for your payment. This will trigger an event Passport disc acknowledgement, to be shown and displayed on the day to gain entry and as a receipt.
List of Clubs supported/attending/invited to Summer Spectacular 2023
A30/A35 Car Club; Austin Healey Owners Club; Cortina Mk 3 Owners Club (ex MTOC); Dorset All Ford Types DAFT; Hampshire VW Owners Club; Jaguar Enthusiasts Clubs ;Morgan Sports Car Club - New Forest Centre (LogMog); MG Car Club- New Forest; Jaguar Poole Bay Classics; Rolls Royce Enthusiasts Club; South Coast Cruisers; Wessex Section; Swamp Rats MC - Bikes & others; TR Register & Club Triumph;
Eligible cars and motorcycles must be 30 years or older.
Terms and conditions included in forms
*I apply to register and have read and agree to the terms and conditions. Yes/no
You will be sent a copy of your responses., together with a passport/disc for the day, to display for entry. If you have not already paid via the above8 web site link , please complete the section on the first page above of the link, print it and send to us, to register for the Summer Spectacular. Preference is for web registration and PayPal payments at time of booking. [Alternative methods by hand/ post are possible and provided via and available directly to clubs on request)- subscribe link below at the footer of the page to Clubs and individuals.
Images from 2022 and earlier events